20 September 2017

Script Writing Tips - By Vijay

Script Writing  Tips -- By Vijay

First of all, If someone is seeking his or her destination in writing whether it is film and television industry or writing as a professional one should be of a keen bent of mind in every aspect of living strata.

  •  A writer is one who is able to imagine and paint his or her ideas on the blank canvas with their colourful thoughts.The instigating tool one can find in their own inner and outer world to which they belong. In the initial stage, we should study the hierarchy of writing orders and chronology of social ladders, these two things are mandatory to get forte in writing channels
  • To become a prolific writer we are supposed to study and analyse writer's biography and their timeless creation or composition.When we go through any discourse or literary work we are compelled to assume or cast our own imagination beam on the character or scenes how they are personified or depicted by an author. Our senses work simultaneously, incessantly even after finishing the dramatic discourse.This sensational exercise helps our imagination and emotion quotient so that we can use or apply our own ideas and creed - conception.
  •  One another epochal assignment is to observe common conflicts and cases from thinner to the thicker level prevailing in this so-called socio-economic cultural environment. 
  •  After feeding the mind with great thought we are about to focalise thinking threads on blank board i.e our writing paper.


17 September 2017

History of Indian Cinema - By Vijay

History Of Indian Cinema - By Vijay 

Indian Cinema has its broad and unique domain of chronological study in the cinematic cultural journey. With the release of an epochal film "Raja Harishchandra " the journey of joy begins at movie making ground.The first feature film was shot by an Indian is Hanging Garden but more or less Dadasaheb Phalke is widely considered as the Father of Indian Cinema.

On 3rd May 1913 when Phalke released his Marathi silent film Raja Harishchandra audience felt a new kind of wave in their psyche, some places were selected for displaying movies and by the passage of time, many movie makers and producers like Madan Theater made many movies. 

In 1919  Phalke's "Raja Harishchandra" was remade again silently and at that point of time the role of woman character was played by male actors, Dadasaheb Phalke's daughter was the first child star whom Phalke admitted in his film. Dadasaheb was the pioneer of intelligentsia people in cine - world. He has the comprehension of art direction, costumes, makeup, editing, light and a lot of props which was prevalent in contemporary film society.

If Dadasaheb is the father of Indian film then Ardeshir Irani is the father of Talkie.The release of Alam Ara,  strata of cinema got acceleration in the form of sound. First ever talkie film which has an immense benchmark on the mental screen of cine-men.  Master Bithhal and Jubeda starer "Alam Ara" created an affluent number of people who have their keen interest in this new world. At the period of Indian freedom movement whole world was politically engaged and Indian societal screen was on the verge of modulation which also brought about much noticeable change in cine-society. 

Ashok Kumar starer Kismet was milestone depiction of early 20s social phenomena.  K. L.Sahgal and Ashok Kumar were the leading figures of Indian  Film actors.The age between 1950 and 1960 is the golden period of Hindi Cinema, filmmakers like Satyjeet Rey, Ritwik Ghatak, Mrinal Sen,  Shyam Benegal, Guru Dutt, Raj Kapoor are noticeable among all.  Producers and Distributors like Madan Theater, L V Prasad, Guru Dutt,  Mahboob Khan painted their colourful thought on the canvass of the film set. Musicians like Naushad, Shankar -Jai -Kishan, O P Nayyar composed their unforgettable soundtracks. In 1970, the genre of film interest was somehow changed, filmmaker Manmohan Desai has been called the maker of Masala Movie

He assumed the world where there is nowhere poverty, beggar, drudgery and toil; people are in a new world forgetting their sadness.In the 70s, filmy personnel like  Yas Chopra and Ramesh Shippy made Amitabh Bachchan as Superstar in Bollywood i.e Indian Film Industry. In this era Female figures like Meera Nair,  Aparna Sen, Waheeda Rehman, Nargis, Meena Kumari, Vyjyantimala raised artistically in their filmy journey.  K Asif's Mughal-e Azam,  Guru Dutt's Pyasa, Mahboob Khan's Mother India, Kamal Amrohi's Pakeeza, Yash Chopra's Deewar, Ramesh Shippy's Sholay, 

12 September 2017

History of Indian Cinema - By Vijay

हिन्दुस्तान  में हिंदी सिनेमा का आगाज़  बीसवीं  शताब्दी के आगमन के साथ ही  शुरू हो गया था उन दिनों जब दादा साहब फाल्के ने इंग्लेंड जाकर फिल्म निर्माण की विधाओं व उपकरणों की उपयोगिता को समझने का संकल्प किया था,ये सन 1911-12 की बात है जब दादा साहब ने अपने तमाम संपत्तियों यहाँ तक कि अपनी पत्नी के गहनें भी दांव पर रख दिए और  भारतीय हिंदी सिनेमा  के सफ़र पे  अबाध रूप से चल पड़े I सन 1913 में पहली मूक चलचित्र  "राजा हरिश्चंद्र " को दादा साहब फाल्के ने अपने सहयोगियों की मदद से बनाया,उन दिनों हमारे समाज में नाटक, नाच - नौटंकी में महिलाओं की भूमिका न के बराबर थी अगर किसी ने साहस कर भी लिया तो उसे सामाजिक प्रताड़नाओं का  शिकार होना पड़ता था तद्स्वरूप इन गतिविधियों  का दायरा पुरुषों तक ही सीमित था I
                                                    अगले दो दशक तक कमो - बेस फिल्मों का लहर रहा, मूक चित्र की वजह से जन मानस  के मानस - पटल पर कोई ख़ास छवि सिनेमा नहीं बना पायी थी पर 1931में जब अर्देशिर ईरानी ने पहली बोलती फिल्म "आलम आरा " मास्टर बिट्ठल  और जुबेदा को मुख्य भूमिका में रखकर बनाया तो शब्दों की संवेदना विदित  हुई लेकिन,तकनीकी अभावग्रस्तता और सामाजिक रुढीवादिता  ने सिने-स्नेहियों की एक न मानी ;  विचारों का सैलाब अवमाननाओं की आधारशिला  से टकराता रहा  फिर वक़्त ने करवट ली और फिल्म निर्माताओं को  अपने पुराने ठिकाने  कलकत्ता से  कला का साजो-सामन  समेटकर बम्बई को कूच  करना पड़ा I
                                                               बम्बई के आरंभिक फिल्म निर्माण कंपनियों में देविका रानी की  "Bombay Talkies" मुख्य है जिन्होंने आगे चलकर दिलीप कुमार जैसे कलाकारों से हमारा तारूफ करवाया ,देविका रानी ने  एक अभिनेत्री के तौर पर अपनी कला का लोहा मनवाया I हिंदी सिनेमा का सुनहरा काल 1950 से 1960 तक समझा जाता है --इस दौर के  फिल्म निर्देशकों में   सत्यजीत रे,श्याम बेनेगल, हृषिकेश मुखर्जी ,गुरु दत्त,कमाल अमरोही मुख्य हैं I  अशोक कुमार ,दिलीप कुमार,राजकुमार ,मनोजकुमार नायक  और वहीदा रहमान,सुचित्रा सेन,मीना कुमारी,नर्गिस मुख्य  नायिकाओं में शुमार किये जाते हैं I गीतकारों में  आनंद बख्शी,संतोष आनंद  और संगीत में खैयाम, शंकर- जयकिशन स्मरणीय है I इस खास युग  के अंत तक आते - आते फिल्मे रंगीन हो चुकी थी ,पोस्टरों को हाथों से बनाया जाता था